Tollie Insurance works with a multitude of local and national philanthropies each year.
Each non-profit organization faces different challenges based on their constituents, communities and leadership structure. Tollie Insurance will provide a strategic plan to protect your assets, allowing your focus to be centered on making a difference in your community.
Tollie Insurance wants to help your non-profit organization be as effective as possible. Through our vast experience in dealing with non-profit companies, we know how to find the most effective and affordable coverage for you. Non-profits require specialized types of coverages when it comes to insurance. Making sure the company is covered for any losses also insures that the organization will continue to be able to help work toward their cause.
How can Tollie Insurance help my non-profit organization?
Tollie Insurance has specified programs in place in order to service non-profit companies in the most effective ways. Providing the proper insurance for these companies is our highest priority. We have several markets in place in order to find the right insurance for our clients. We want to help find the best insurance for you and your company.
If you want to know more about what Tollie Insurance offers, contact one of our representatives!